Gita 1

This is my webpage for Gita 1. We
are studying C#. Gita is a difficult class,
but I enjoy the problem solving involved.

About Page


In this project, we learned how to use labels and buttons. The buttons used are Font, Exit, Color, Reset, Language, and Slogan.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to use textboxes and use inputs from users. We took information and printed it onto the label.

Car Rental


In this project, we learned how to use pictureboxes. We also learned how to do math using code.



In this project, we calculated the BMI of a person, and it displayed a good diet for that person.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to use radiobuttons. We also learned how to use checkboxes.

Triangle Checker


In this project, I learned how to get the lengths of a triangle and calculate what type of triangle it is. It calculated whether it was acute, obtuse, or right.

Craps Game


In this project, I learned how to randomize. I used the randomize system to find the win percentage and the loss percentage. This project also handled with storing variables.

Slot Machine


In this project, I created a slot machine, which I betted a certain amount of coins. If you get the same image three times in a row, you would gain money. It was also true if you did not get three in a row.

Over-Under Calculator


In this project, I created a program, which calculated points. This project used pictureboxes as buttons and used math to calculate the total goals and points.

Incremental Game


In this project, I created the roblox clicker. This clicker counted how many times you clicked the roblox head. If you gained a certain amounts of clicks, you could buy buffs, which helped you get more clicks. I also learned how to use music and noise.

Spooky Staircase


In this project, I created a staircase with a neon cat. Depending on the randomizer, the cat would either move up or down the stair. If the cat reached the top or botton, it would recieve an unexpected suprise.

AI Chase


In this project, I created ninja that gets chased by bob, the evil block.

2D Submarine


In this project, I created a submarine, which moves in random spaces. If it collides with the other submarine, it crashes..

Fishing Simulator


In this project, I created a boat that goes back and forth. By pressing the space bar, the fishing hook goes down and catches fish. Catching the fish raises the points.

Tic Tac Toe


In this project, I created tic tac toe. Depending on who wins the score of that person goes up. If you get a tie, the tie meter goes up.

Math Menu


In this project, I created a calculator that handled addition, subtraction, multipulcation, and etc.

Bees Simulator


In this project, I learned how to use lists. Pressing space spawns bees, which harvests nectar from the flower. There are multiple bees with unique properties, and there is a hidden suprise.

Final Project


In this project, I did not finish.